sabato 16 gennaio 2021

November 2020 - Module Space - Movement, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Module Space - Movement  

The module developed for the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Coburg wanted to counteract the bias towards the focused vision as argued by Juhani Pallasmaa in The Eyes of the Skin (2005) redirecting the attention to the other modes of embodied experiences of space. The participants are thus invited to explore space through the different senses (exceeding the five generally considered and in line with Michel Serres’ notion of the senses as not working in separate spheres). The module alternates philosophical inputs, practical, embodied experimentations, and collective recollections to then integrate this knowledge in a planning exercise.

On request, the dossier with the description of the modules can be provided.

Examples of embodied exercises

On being visible or invisible 

Guided meditation  

Measuring spatial expectations

Playing with peripheral vision  

Thanks to Prof Anja Ohliger for the pictures  

Exercise: Dramaturgy of Touch (or sometimes what is important is invisible to the eye)

May 2020; October 2020 - Module politics of space, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Module politics of space 

The Module developed for the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Coburg played with the idea that each space or spatial arrangement proposes its users with an implicit idea on how it should be used. Users can in turn agree or disobey this silent proposition or politics. The module alternates philosophical inputs — from Henri Lefebvre to Michel Foucault —, practical embodied experimentations and collective recollections. These allow the participants to become aware of the implicit politics inherent in each social or architectural space to then integrate this knowledge in a planning exercise.

On request, the dossier with the description of the modules can be provided.

Exercise: Visualizing power structures 

The exercise is inspired by the work "How Many Chairs to Build the Future" by the British Artist and friend Hamish MacPherson

July 2020 - Lee Mingwei's The Mending Project, at the Gropius Bau, Berlin

Performer in Lee Mingwei's The Mending Project, at the Gropius Bau, Berlin

June 2019 - Dialogue #003 improvisation with Christian Wolfarth (percussion) for Soundance Festival (Berlin)

Dialogue #003 improvisation with Christian Wolfarth (percussion) for Soundance Festival (Berlin), with the support of ProHelvetia